It’s one thing to invest in great commercial floor cleaning machines, but how to get the most out of them? Maximize effectiveness with these tips:
You’ve made the great decision to transition from the tremendous inefficiency and expense of manual cleaning – good for you! Particularly, if you’re maintaining a large space or spaces, employing an individual or even a team to clean the floors just wasn’t practical. Commercial cleaning machines, on the other hand, make the investment – whether you choose to rent or own – allows you to focus your resources on the essentials of your business, such as production, business development and how to get more customers, visitors, or tenants.
But, it’s important to know how to best operate and maintain your industrial floor cleaning equipment to ensure you are maximizing the machine’s performance. You want your investment to ensure the best results possible!
Your commercial floor scrubber or sweeper provides the fastest, most efficient means of getting the cleanest floors possible – goodbye mops and buckets! The size of the space or spaces has been rendered irrelevant – a commercial floor scrubber or floor sweeper can clean up to 23,000 square feet in just one hour.
You have made the choice to maximize convenience when you invest in commercial floor cleaning machines. Here’s how to use it properly to ensure it works at maximum efficiency for as long as possible:
Cleaning technique matters!
An important point as you decide on the best cleaning machine for your facilities – purchase the model that is best suited for the primary floor surface to be cleaned.
It’s critical that your machines receive the correct balance of soap to water. The cleaning process should begin at the wall and you’ll make sweeping turns with every pass to ensure that the operator draws all of the solution. Perhaps divide your space in half, if possible, to save time. Be prepared, that for those pesky, inaccessible spots, you may need to break out the bucket and mop, as the size of the machine may prohibit cleaning those areas.
Prepare your machines!
It’s critical that you appropriately prepare your industrial cleaning equipment as well as the space that needs to be cleaned. Be sure that your floor scrubber or sweeper is fully charged to maximize cleaning time – depending on the machine anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. This may not seem like a lot of time – especially if you’re used to employing a team all day long – but if the floor is prepared, you can clean up to approximately 50,000 to 70,000 square feet if you begin with a machine that’s fully charged.
Ensure that the operator scans the machine for leaks or damage and checks that all hoses are properly connected. The technician should check frequently that all parts are in good repair and that no wire or string is wrapped around the brushes before using. Operating a faulty floor sweeper or scrubber can ruin your surface. The brush or pad on the equipment should be appropriate for the surface to be cleaned to avoid possible damage or grout lines.
Be sure to notify and post warnings to inform customers and employees that cleaning work is going on. This keeps the workspace free of traffic but also keeps your team and customers safe. When you prepare the space to be cleaned, save the operator headaches, and remove any obstructions – furniture, for example. Some pre-emptive trash removal, sweeping, and dusting is helpful as it will prevent dirt and dust from falling on your freshly clean, wet surfaces. It will also remove any dust and dirt that could potentially get stuck in the machine, debris from collecting beneath the cleaning mechanism, and anything that could cause damage.
Never be afraid to call in the pros! If you experience any difficulty with your commercial floor scrubber or sweeper, you may require the help of an expert technician to get your machine running at its best once again.
Even if you invest in the highest-quality commercial floor cleaning machines, such as the exceptional range of rental, refurbished, and new equipment we sell at KwikFix Depot, it can’t do the best job if you don’t know how to use it properly. When you enlist the cleaning power of a new machine, ensure that you and your cleaning team understands how to best prepare and maintain both your machine and your surfaces.
Being informed will help enhance both the safety and experience with your industrial floor cleaning equipment.
Want to know how you can rent or purchase the best industrial floor sweepers and scrubbers in Ontario? CONTACT KWIKFIX DEPOT or CALL NOW: 855-244-9585