In a time of great uncertainty and fear, you can be proactive, do all that you can, to help mitigate exposure to COVID-19. Keep the surfaces and floors of your business as clean as possible!
Even at this time, after so many measures to “flatten the curve” have been taken worldwide, there is still so much to learn and understand about the novel coronavirus that is causing the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).
What is known, however, is that the novel coronavirus, as with those similar coronaviruses that cause MERS and SARS, is spread from person-to-person, via respiratory droplets, most frequently through contact, within approximately six feet.
What has thus far been learned is that novel coronavirus can remain viable for hours to days on surfaces made from a variety of materials. Thorough and frequent cleaning followed by disinfecting of all surfaces is the best practice measure when it comes to the prevention of COVID-19 and other viral respiratory illnesses in commercial spaces and households, alike.

Flattening the curve refers to community isolation measures that keep the daily number of disease cases at a manageable level for medical providers.
(Image: © CDC)
The Centers for Disease Control recommends social distancing, frequent hand washing, cleaning and disinfecting.
Here are practical and scientifically-proven suggestions for reducing the risk of spreading the infection:
What to use to minimize the risk of spreading COVID-19
The CDC recommends household bleach, alcohol solutions of at least 70% and most EPA-registered disinfectants as most effective when it comes to killing germs.
Dilute bleach with water before using it to disinfect – five tablespoons (1/3 cup) of bleach per gallon of water, or four teaspoons of bleach per quart of water. Clorox, Lysol, and Purell all produce various EPA-registered disinfectants approved for use against viral pathogens.
Make your own hand sanitizer: mix 2/3 cup of 91% isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and 1/3 cup of aloe vera gel. If you’d like to add fragrance, add your favourite essential oil. Just be sure to understand that the essential oil has NO impact on – it does not cure or treat – COVID-19 as some companies have said.
For businesses, it’s imperative that you take the utmost care in how you maintain the surfaces and floors of your commercial space.
Your highest-trafficked areas are your floors. If outdoor shoes aren’t removed, or if pets are present, there is the added risk of bringing harmful bacteria and viruses in from the outdoors. Consequently, it is critical that your floor surfaces are not only cleaned but disinfected properly.
Be aware of frequently touched surfaces as they can be reservoirs for all manner of pathogen that results in the continued transmission. For pathogens, such as COVID-19, transmitted through indirect contact – contaminated surfaces – extra attention should be treated frequently.
For soft surfaces such as a carpeted floor, rugs, and curtains or drapes, remove any visible contamination, if there is any, and clean thoroughly with cleaners appropriate for use on the respective surfaces.
Routine cleaning is mandatory to keep your spaces safe and free of viruses. High-contact areas and items such as doorknobs and handles, handrails, and light switches, for instance. Other tactics:
- Dust- and wet-mopping or, as we recommend, scrubbing floors
- Vacuum high-traffic areas such as foyers or entryways.
- Remove trash and clean bins regularly
- Wipe heat and air vents
- Clean restrooms
- Spot clean walls
- Cleaning spills
- Dusting all horizontal surfaces and light fixtures
If your business or commercial space is still receiving traffic in these strange days of restricted travel, it’s not enough to just deep clean every few days or so, you need to get in the habit of disinfecting surfaces – including floors – at least once a day, particularly if you experience high use.
Questions about how you can keep the floors of your commercial space as clean and safe as possible? Talk to us!