Floor Cleaning Made Easy – A Walk-Behind Floor Scrubber s20

Make your floor cleaning a breeze! A walk-behind floor scrubber is a compact and efficient tool for cleaning commercial floors.

An industrial floor sweeper is the best way to collect and remove dirt, dust, and debris from your floors. A wide variety of machines are available, from large ride-on floor cleaners to the smaller walk-behind floor sweeper – a versatile and user-friendly machine.

If you have a smaller surface area to clean, and if it includes obstacles or narrow doorways, a walk-behind floor sweeper is a great choice. Not to mention the most economical. If you’re thinking about purchasing or leasing an industrial floor scrubber, here are a few reasons why a walk-behind floor scrubber might be best for your business:

A user-friendly way to clean your floors

The design of walk-behind floor scrubbers makes them very easy to use. The operation is virtually effortless, when necessary, even with a single hand. Maintenance is easier to perform and doesn’t require a collection of special equipment or tools.

Some models allow you to adjust the height to that of the operator to make it as comfortable as possible. Keep in mind that the greater the comfort for the operator, the better they’ll use the machine. An intuitive and comfortable design for the operator means that training to use the walk-behind floor scrubber more easily and quickly.

Used in a variety of applications

When you start looking at walk-behind floor scrubbers, you’ll find they offer a range of features. Some can be used outdoors as well as in. And they can move between floor surfaces, carpets to other materials, with ease. They are highly manoeuvrable in tight places, navigating narrow halls and obstacles much easier than other larger machines.

A walk-behind floor sweeper is ideal for facilities that have tight aisles as well as wide open spaces. Common applications include schools, airports, grocery stores, and entertainment businesses.

Walk-behind floor scrubbers offer reliable, superior performance

An example of a great walk-behind floor scrubber is the Pacific S20. Great for daily scrubbing of smaller facilities, foyers and lobbies, checkout aisles, and even spill cleanup and water recovery. If you have a larger facility, the S20 can clean those edges and details. They’re also terrific for cleaning inclines, such as ramps.

Operation is so easy! Training graphics are conveniently affixed to the control panel, so any operator, even newbies, can learn how to operate the machine in only a few easy steps. Newly scrubbed floors are super clean and dry rapidly so they’re safe for traffic shortly after cleaning.

The S20 is ergonomically designed for maximum operator comfort with an automatic on/off brush system to prevent knee or back strain. Additionally, the solution and recovery tanks can be easily cleaned.

And it operates quietly. You can clean noise-sensitive environments with sound levels down to 60 dBA without disrupting customers or employees.

A walk-behind scrubber like the Pacific S20 offers greater flexibility for certain kinds of floorplans and types of buildings. The biggest benefit of a walk-behind floor scrubber is that it is often the more economical choice for facilities with less space to cover.

Questions? We can help!

Kwik-Fix Depot Ltd. is a leading supplier of professional floor care equipment and supplies. We specialize in offering new, used and reconditioned floor cleaning machines. Providing both sales and service, we offer factory-authorized service on nearly every make and model.

CONTACT US with any questions about what kind of industrial floor cleaning equipment is right for you!